A Comprehensive Guide to Closet Makeovers with Cabinets

Closet Cabinet Blog

A well-organized closet can make your daily routine smoother and more efficient. However, achieving that level of organization often requires more than just hanging clothes on a rod. If you’re looking to elevate your closet’s functionality and aesthetics, consider a closet makeover with cabinets. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the steps, dos, and don’ts of transforming your closet into a stylish and organized space using cabinets.

Part 1: Planning Your Closet Makeover

Step 1: Assess Your Needs

Do: Start by assessing your current closet situation. Take inventory of your belongings and identify your storage needs. Consider factors like the types of clothing you have, the number of shoes and accessories, and any specific items that require special storage.

Don’t: Don’t rush into the project without a clear understanding of your needs. A thoughtful assessment will guide your cabinet design and layout decisions.

Step 2: Establish a Budget

Do: Set a realistic budget for your closet makeover. Take into account the cost of cabinets, hardware, installation, and any additional features or accessories you want to include. Having a budget in mind will help you make informed decisions throughout the project.

Don’t: Avoid overspending or making impulsive purchases. Stick to your budget to ensure the project remains financially manageable.

Step 3: Plan the Cabinet Layout

Do: Create a detailed layout plan for your closet cabinets. Determine where you want cabinets to be installed, their size, and how they will be organized. Consider incorporating a mix of shelves, drawers, hanging space, and open storage to meet your specific needs.

Don’t: Don’t underestimate the importance of a well-thought-out layout. A proper plan will maximize your closet’s functionality.

Part 2: Selecting the Right Cabinets

Step 4: Choose Cabinet Materials

Do: Select cabinet materials that match your style and budget. Common options include wood, MDF (medium-density fiberboard), and laminate. Each material has its own advantages, such as durability, cost-effectiveness, and aesthetics.

Don’t: Don’t solely focus on appearance; consider the durability and maintenance requirements of the chosen material as well.

Step 5: Pick Cabinet Styles and Finishes

Do: Opt for cabinet styles and finishes that align with your design preferences and the overall aesthetic of your home. Choices range from traditional to modern, and finishes can vary from classic wood tones to sleek, painted options.

Don’t: Avoid choosing a cabinet style that clashes with the rest of your home’s decor. Coherence in design will enhance your closet’s appeal.

Part 3: Installation and Organization

Step 6: Hire Professionals

Do: Consider hiring professionals for cabinet installation, especially if you have little experience with cabinetry. Experienced installers can ensure that cabinets are level, secure, and properly aligned.

Don’t: Don’t attempt DIY installation unless you have the necessary skills and tools. Poorly installed cabinets can lead to structural issues and an unsatisfactory end result.

Step 7: Optimize Cabinet Accessories

Do: Enhance the functionality of your closet cabinets by including accessories such as pull-out trays, tie racks, jewelry drawers, and shoe shelves. These accessories can make organizing and accessing your belongings easier.

Don’t: Don’t overlook the potential of accessories to improve your closet’s efficiency. Explore options that suit your storage needs.

Step 8: Organize Your Belongings

Do: After cabinet installation, take the time to organize your clothing, shoes, and accessories. Group similar items together and consider using storage bins or baskets for smaller items. Implement a system that works for you, whether it’s color-coding, categorizing by season, or arranging by frequency of use.

Don’t: Don’t neglect the organization step. A well-organized closet will help you make the most of your new cabinets.

Part 4: Maintenance and Care

Step 9: Regularly Declutter

Do: Make decluttering a regular part of your closet maintenance routine. Periodically assess your wardrobe and remove items you no longer wear or need. This will prevent overcrowding and keep your closet organized.

Don’t: Avoid letting your closet become a storage space for unused or outdated items. Regularly purging items will help maintain order.

Step 10: Clean Cabinets and Accessories

Do: Periodically clean your cabinet surfaces, shelves, and accessories to prevent dust and dirt buildup. Use appropriate cleaning products and techniques based on the cabinet material and finish.

Don’t: Don’t use abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that could damage your cabinets. Follow manufacturer guidelines for care and maintenance.

Part 5: Dos and Don’ts Recap


  1. Assess your storage needs and establish a budget.
  2. Plan your cabinet layout carefully to maximize functionality.
  3. Choose cabinet materials, styles, and finishes that align with your design preferences and budget.
  4. Consider custom vs. pre-made cabinets based on your needs.
  5. Hire professionals for cabinet installation.
  6. Optimize cabinet functionality with accessories.
  7. Organize your belongings in a way that suits your lifestyle.
  8. Regularly declutter and clean your cabinets and accessories.


  1. Don’t rush into the project without a clear plan.
  2. Don’t overspend or make impulsive purchases.
  3. Don’t underestimate the importance of a well-thought-out layout.
  4. Don’t choose cabinet materials solely based on appearance.
  5. Don’t select a cabinet style that clashes with your home’s decor.
  6. Don’t attempt DIY installation if you lack the necessary skills.
  7. Don’t overlook the potential of accessories to improve organization.
  8. Don’t neglect regular closet maintenance and decluttering.

A closet makeover with cabinets can significantly improve your daily life by providing efficient and stylish storage solutions. By following the steps and guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can achieve a closet that not only meets your practical needs but also enhances the overall aesthetics of your home. Remember that thoughtful planning, careful selection, and ongoing maintenance are key to a successful closet transformation.